Potenza Provincial Art Gallery, 21 September 2019 - 12 January 2020 Inauguration 20 September 18.00
The power of contemporary art wants to be a new place in which contemporary man opens up a livable perspective of contemporary art.
The exhibition exhibits a series of works from the private collection of Cataldo Colella that are placed in dialogue with the environments of the Provincial Pinacoteca of Potenza which becomes an extraordinary place in which the works can build their own space for dialogue.
The exhibition presents some of the central reasons for the importance of collecting contemporary art in different points.
First of all, the relationship between art and territory, which in the case of a choice linked to an international context allows us to show the strength of contemporary art in relation to the ever denser retention of global connections. The artists featured in the exhibition present this peculiar trait of our time: from the four corners of the world the collection shows how much art is, like the rest of our society, extremely connected with the rest of the world. Power presents a collection that reflects this dimension of our historical period that is to be connected with the whole world and, as has always happened, the art puts it at the center of this intercultural exchange.
In the exhibition we find artists from all over the world who are confronted using the most disparate techniques, artists who are already part of the history of international contemporary art are displayed alongside artists who have begun a few years ago, but who already have a clear vision of their research .
A collection is always a relationship between the public and private. A private collection shown in a public context makes an accessible part of a collection often with works otherwise inaccessible to that particular territory, as in the Potenza exhibition, and on the other it allows to spread a cultural model that sees art entering the territory through a search for artists and works that spread throughout the territory. It also creates a public moment of a private collection, and opens the possibility of creating new connections and openings to generate new collectors who in turn spread the art in the territory. Showing the works of a private collection encourages the possibility and interest of creating other collections, which like this one will enrich the territory of Basilicata.
The great season of Flemish and Dutch art of the XVIIth shows how one of the greatest and richest productions of world painting has been generated, not through a few great collections, as happened for centuries in the rest of Europe, but by numerous collectors who had seen in the production artistic a social good and laid the foundations for a new social class made up of professionals and merchants building the foundations of contemporary western society. In a few decades hundreds of thousands of paintings are produced, creating one of the most intense seasons of European culture. This is repeated with the 1737 Salon in which for the first time an exhibition was opened to the public before it was later transferred to private collections. This fundamental moment in the history of art has created the moment in which a conscience could start a dialogue and transform the way of seeing, thinking and creating new art. In this sense contemporary art exhibitions are a medium
not simply to show works but also, and perhaps above all, to open up new perspectives for the creation and imagination of art.
Show Artist:
Muna Amareen, Benjamin Bernt, Bianco and Valente, Irma Blank, Alice Browne, Antonia Carrara, Karmil Cardone, Fabrizio Cotognini, Tomaso De Luca, Maria Adele Del Vecchio, Driffers, Sean Edwards, Farshad Farzankia, Gerardo Fornataro, Carlos Garaicoa, Antony Gormley , Shilpa Gupta, Mona Hatoum, Rodrigo Hernandez, Carsten Holler, Jiri Kovanda, Jessica Lloyd-Jones, Massimo Lovisco, Jorge Macchi, Mario Macilau, Max Maslansky, Aldo Marinetti, Pascale Marthine Tayou, Sabrina Mezzaqui, Valentina Miorandi, Arcangelo Moles, Jonathan Monk, Margherita Moscardini, Rolf Nowotny, Damir Ocko, Giovanni Ozzola, Laura Paoletti, Eddie Peake, Giuseppe Penone, Michelangelo Pistoletto, Gianfranco Presta, Arcangelo Sassolino, Daniele Sigalot, Nedko Solakov, Ivano Troisi, Jack Vickridge, Danh Vo, Nari Ward, Ai Weiwei, Sophie Whettnall.
BY: Lorenzo Benedetti
WITH THE PATRONAGE: Province of Potenza
TECHNICAL PARTNER: B.F.T. Srl, CME Mallano, IANUS archival services. CATALOG: Visions Future, preface by Sam Keller
Tuesday: 08-13
Wednesday - Saturday: 08 - 13/16 - 19