Papeleo Nº 4. Italian Panorama
The Drawing Room programme has lingered over various artistic traditions and contexts such as Chinese landscape painting, Japanese ink, the Buenos Aires scene, or figurative Italian classicism, to which a specific section was devoted at the Madrid edition of 2017. Let us again emphasise the rich and varied practice of contemporary drawing in Italy by devoting entirely to it this issue of Papeleo, created by the Bologna curator Antonio De Falco.
In Papeleo 4 works of sixteen artists are shown: 2501, Daniela Alfarano, Elvio Chiricozzi, Ericailcane, Fabrizio Cotognini, Giulia Dall’Olio, Rocco Dubbini, Tamara Ferioli, Aldo Giannotti, Fausto Gilberti, Gilberto Giovagnoli, Eva Marisaldi, Laurina Paperina, Stefano Ricci, Michelangelo Setola and Nicola Toffolini.
In addition, three essential voices are heard. The curator Francesca Holsenn contributes an interesting reflection on drawing as a primitive graphic production of the idea. We recover a text by Francesco Moschini, the general secretary of the Accademia Nazionale San Luca, on the initiative set in motion in 2007 by the Rome institution to collect contemporary drawings. There is also an interview of Andrea Losavio, the gallery owner and curator of the Biennale del Disegno of Rimini, which helps us to understand the recent evolution of Italian drawing.
Trilingual edition: Spanish, Italian and English.