Exhibition Launch Evening: Saturday 27 January 2018 from 17 hrs
with performance by:
Tomoko Mukaiyama
Gernot Wieland
HE.RO is pleased to present a major exhibition of the work of 16 international artists to mark the launch of their new gallery space in Amsterdam North. The inaugural exhibition is an episodic narrative that takes its name from a term developed by the sociologist Max Weber. For him, “ideal-types” are models that share characteristic with actual real-life objects but do not derive from or correspond to any specific example; that is, they hold no relation to an external reality to represent.
What drives the exhibition therefore is the desire for a seductive kind of verisimilitude, at the same time meticulous and insubstantial; borrowing an expression from the critic Adam Jasper in relation to video games, “you can walk through a hedge without disturbing a leaf.” The declared ambition of the curators of the show is the study of the internal logic of a foreign world.
Embracing uncertainty rather than defined knowledge, the exhibition opens up to the possibility of reading things differently, without claiming representation. Philosophically speaking, it proposes un-knowing in order to make room to accommodate something we don’t know [yet].
A number of works presented in the gallery have been especially commissioned and realized for the show. Among others, a new sculptural installation by Athanasios Argianas, work on paper based on an original 18th century etching by Fabrizio Cotognini, and an installation / performance by Gernot Wieland, which will be premiered at the launch evening. Other works are by artists never shown in the Netherlands before, reflecting the goal of the new gallery’s program that aims to present in Amsterdam the best of the international contemporary art production.
The exhibition is curated by Alfredo Cramerotti, Director, MOSTYN, and Head Curator, APT Global Artist Pension Trust, in dialogue with the artists and with the additional support by Elsa Barbieri. For press enquiries and images, please email Gabriel Rolt, Artistic Director, HE.RO, gabriel@hero-gallery.com or call +31 (0) 625005374.
1. Valerio Adami (Paris)
2. Athanasios Argianas (London / Athens)
3. Adriana Arroyo (Berlin)
4. Ewa Axelrad (London)
5. Chloë Cheuk (Hong Kong / Montreal)
6. Fabrizio Cotognini (Civitanova Marche)
7. Shezad Dawood (London)
8. Sarah Entwistle (Berlin)
9. Laurence Kavanagh (London)
10. Alice Pedroletti (Milan)
11. Peter Schuyff (Amsterdam)
12. Peter Sköld (Stockholm)
13. Peter Tillessen (Zurich)
14. Alesch Vital (Scuol)
15. Gernot Wieland (Berlin)
16. Bedwyr Williams (Caernafon)