33 highly prestigious Italian and international artists interpret the theme dedicated to individual responsibility with their works, in order to illustrate the power that the individual has when he connects with others, generating a responsible collective sensitivity towards his own community. The artists on show are: Meris Angioletti, Elisabetta Benassi, Eduardo Cardozo, Loris Cecchini, Fabrizio Cotognini, Cuoghi Corsello, Dado, Alberto Di Fabio, Roberto Fassone, Flavio Favelli, Giovanni Gastel, Mimmo Jodice, Julia Krahn, Andrew Leslie, Alessandro Mendini , Fulvia Mendini, Marzia Migliora, Nino Migliori, Maurizio Nannucci, Moataz Nasr, Katja Noppes, Giovanni Ozzola, Mimmo Paladino, Simone Pellegrini, Gianni Pettena, Thomas Ruff, Pietro Ruffo, Sissi, Alessandra Spranzi, Alberto Tadiello, Joe Tilson, Patrick Tuttofuoco , Carlo Valsecchi, Nanda Vigo.