the Garuzzo Institute for the Visual Arts inaugurates Friday 26 April, within the spaces of its permanent Collection hosted in Castiglia di Saluzzo, Ritmo Bodoni by Claudia Borrelli and Mario Francesco Simeone. The contemporary art exhibition is part of the Start / History and Art event in Saluzzo which, for the 2019 edition, will focus on the "character".
Recalling the figure of Giambattista Bodoni, born in Saluzzo in 1740 and considered a Michelangelo of typography, acclaimed by sovereigns from all over Europe and inventor, in 1788, of the character that still bears his name, the collective offers a point of view on the landscape of emerging art.
On display, a selection of works that share the theme of rhythm, told through heterogeneous languages, from video to sculpture, from collage to photography. And it is precisely the rhythm that characterizes the style that makes Bodoni typeface unique, whose exclusive condition, besides its novelty with respect to the characters previously used, lies in the particularly accentuated succession between lines of different thickness.
Thus, the texts spelled out in Bodoni can take the form of a sort of score, a musical and cadenced spelling that, from the eighteenth century, came to us, keeping its unquestionable charm intact. Similarly, the works, each expressing the code of an artist's individual research, will establish a close dialogue, marking the visual alternation of the exhibition.
Artists on display: Emanuela Ascari (Sassuolo, 1977), Afterall (Silvia Esposito, Naples, 1975, Enzo Esposito, Naples, 1977), Claudio Beorchia (Vercelli, 1979), Fabrizio Cotognini (Macerata, 1983), Giulio Delvè (Naples, 1984), Flaviano Esposito (Benevento, 1989), Antonella Raio (Naples, 1975), Pamela Diamante (Bari, 1985), Valerio Rocco Orlando (Milan, 1978), Calixto Ramírez (Mexico, 1980).